Sunday, 26 May 2013

Weekend Picnic with Nana and Poppa!

On Saturday, Elijah was very excited to have his very first, for real picnic with a picnic basket and blanket in Williamson's Park!

 We had sandwhiches, veggies, fruit, and lovely weather.  It was lots of fun!
 We had a nice view of Ashton Memorial from our spot on the grass.
 Poppa did a good job trying to get Elijah to look at the camera....

 Elijah enjoyed a nice sunny Saturday, hanging out with Daddy too!
And Nana took care of him when he was all tuckered out....
We have had a great time with Mom and Dad, and will be sad to see them go tomorrow.  So thankful to have had this time, and glad that we got a couple of nice sunny days to enjoy our last weekend together for a little while. :-) Hope you are all having a nice weekend...and hey, no work tomorrow! 


  1. I am so glad that you all had a great weekend and special times together. We miss you and can't wait to see you again too!! Eli is so sweet, cute and happy. I love your blog!!!! Love you all!!!! We will be picking your parent's up in a few hours!!!

  2. The pictures are great!!!!!!!

