Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Life Lessons: The Best Laid Plans....

Well, the next post was supposed to be coming to you from my fresh and squeaky clean home.  Instead, it comes from a wiped out Mama. I am, by no means, caught up on laundry.  (How could any human being do this when you have to change your sick baby's clothes 4 times a day?) A good friend had offered to babysit Elijah for the whole day, and  I was going to carry on with the Big Clean after a nice, long weekend of family time. However, a sick little boy means that all these plans are to be put on hold for today. 

Fortunately, as I have pointed out before, I have a higher calling in life than to have a home that is freshly cleaned and organized.  My calling is to have a home that is filled with love.  To rely on Jesus to give me the strength to care for my husband and son to the best of my ability.  I'm using all His strength today, because mine seems to have vanished into thin air (along with all of Elijah's clean clothes).  So, today, as I eat a chocolate bar and drink two very large cups of coffee for breakfast (at 11:00), I'm thankful for sweatpants.  And also, I'm thankful that I have the chance to stay home and snuggle my little boy, who just needs to be with Mummy today. 

Don't worry.  I'll be back into Martha Stewart Beast Mode in no time.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of the wife and mother you have become. Hang in there! Nanna and Poppa will be there soon!

