Last night, I helped throw a baby shower for my good friend Heather. You all know the drill: Offer to help throw baby shower. Look at decorations for baby shower. Decide you could make cuter ones that are cheaper than the ones you can buy. Go all out and hand make everything at the last minute the week before the shower. No? Just me? Oh well...that's how things tend to go around here.... (Hold on to your hats, folks, this is a long one!)
DIYed tissue paper flower wreath for the door |
Let me tell you, we had so much FUN getting everything ready for this shower! Jess, Laurie, and I had a great time decorating yesterday. Laurie had great ideas about how to arrange the flowers and the tables, and came up with the idea of using the piano as a feature table (genius!). Jess was a decoration arranging/hanging machine. I was in and out a bit looking after Elijah (we had to steal a diaper from the middle of the diaper cake for a poomergency...), so I feel these two ladies did most of the hard work. But, it was really fun putting this together with them!
It all started when I made a little doily bunting.....Then, there may or may not have been more bunting.....And a few a bunch of tissue paper flowers and pom-poms. ( was a big room to decorate!)
Jess had a really cute idea for a theme: Ready to Pop! We really rolled with that. I DIY'ed a chalkboard sign for a little feature table (and, of course, we stuck a tissue paper flower on that). There were some little yellow, pink and white sweets in a jar, and a picture of mommy & daddy to be, and an ultrasound photo of baby.
POPcorn table (Piano covered in a sheet!) |
We had a variety of vases and jars, which Jess wrapped in different
fabrics, ribbons, and lace that went with the theme! Some of them
displayed flowers on small tables around the room, and some of them had
hard candy in them.
We arranged the tables in a T shape, with the savoury food table at the back. This table had lots of food items that fit the theme : Mini POPpadoms, POPcorn Chicken, and my very own recipe creations: Caprese POPs, and Pepperoni Pizza POPpers! I designed the labels...Of course the food had to be labelled! (Are you throwing a baby shower this spring/summer? Click on the colour you need for my very first free printables!
YELLOW versions and available.)
Food tables |
Cake and Cupcakes by Jess- Amazing, right?! |
Caprese POPs (recipe post to follow later this week! :) |
The gift table featured a diaper cake made by Jess, and there was also a pot for people to contribute towards the purchase of a mattress for baby E, since all of the other major items were already taken care of.
So beautiful, right?! |
Laurie was in charge of the games, and we played Advice for Mummy MadLibs...It was so cute and funny! (E.G. giving David Beckahm advice about giving birth to a chimney that will be skiing several times a day...HA!) We also had a little blindfolded diaper changing race at the end.
My favourite part of the whole thing, was blessing my sweet friend Heather. She has such a sweet heart, and there are a lot of people who really love her here, so it was fun to share the evening celebrating the fact that she is about to be a mommy! (It makes me tear up a little thinking about it... love you, Heather!!) Also, baby showers are a
fairly recent development in the U.K., so it was fun to show a lot of
the guests what a baby shower is all about!
 | beautiful is this Mama to be?! |
Laurie, Heather, Me & Jess |
Have you planned a baby shower for any of your friends? What was your favourite part??