So, for those who want to catch up on what's been going on, here's a little bit about my pregnancy experience so far:
We found out about the pregnancy the day before our 3rd anniversary. I was going to try to wait to surprise Jim, but I couldn't contain myself. I cooked him a nice dinner and said we were going to celebrate our anniversary early. After dinner he opened my gift to him:
After experiencing certain trouble symptoms that no woman wants to have in the first trimester (or any trimester really), I ended up having an early ultrasound at about 8.5 weeks pregnant. Thankfully, everything was fine, and we got the first glimpse of our little one.
I had another, routine ultrasound at about 10.5 weeks. We were happy to see our active little baby wiggling around, and that the nubs had grown to look more like arms and legs. Phew. I was given an "official" due date based on the baby's measurements: July 1st. One day after my birthday! (Though, I'm really hoping baby decides to make a grand appearance on July 4th know...staying in touch with those American roots. Plus, everyone in America would be able to celebrate with fireworks. ;-)
We headed to America for Christmas, at which time we were able to share the news with my extended family. For those who were present, we caught their reactions on video by pretending that we were going to take a family photo. My dad, the photographer, said something along the lines of "On the count of three....everybody say 'Beth's pregnant!'" They were was funny. It was exciting to be able to finally share the news with some of the most important people in our lives.
Since then, things have been pretty uneventful until this past week when I felt the baby moving for the first time. The most I've felt the baby moving was this past Saturday after we had some homemade taquitos for lunch...and dinner. What? I love Mexican food. Apparently, so does Baby Wightman, because there was lots of wiggling going on in there. (And before anyone was not just indigestion :-).
In a couple of weeks, we will be able to find out whether the baby is a Boy Wightman or Girl Wightman! I'll do my best to keep you all updated, though motivation and energy do anything really seem to be in short supply these days!
Last but not least, here's my one and only bump picture (at about 16 weeks) so far: